How combining Massage Therapy and Chiropractic can speed your healing process.
Both massage therapy and chiropractic are holistic modalities that focus on the underlying issues that cause pain and discomfort.
When you combine Massage Therapy with chiropractic adjustments, the changes to the body are synergistic.

Both approaches understand how seemingly unrelated issues may impact one another and how different forms of holistic treatments can complement one another to bring about and speed up the healing process.
Quicker Recovery Time
Patients who combine both therapies will often experience a faster and more complete recovery as compared to receiving one therapy. The body’s integrated systems rely on each other to function properly and all of these systems are impaired when injury and/or chronic pain occurs. Using both chiropractic care and massage therapy allows the integrated systems to be treated.
Easier Chiropractic Adjustments
Massage therapy allows for the relaxation of muscle tension. When the body is more relaxed, chiropractic adjustments may be performed more easily. Massage therapy helps you hold your adjustments for a longer period of time as chiropractic care helps your body hold the benefits of massage therapy longer.
Increased Range of Motion
Many chiropractic patients also suffer from a reduced range of motion due to their injury. Massages are able to improve the flexibility and mobility of muscles, ligaments, fascia, and other soft tissue by releasing the adhesions that have shortened them.
Improved Circulation
Massage therapy can help to restore blood flow through congested areas while chiropractic also helps by relieving pressure on nerves due to subluxations. The body can heal itself quickly once circulation to the affected areas is restored.
The synergistic combination of massage therapy and chiropractic care share the goal of your total well-being, not simply just the absence of illness or reduction of pain. They are natural hands-on, drug-free techniques that can be used as preventative or as health-restoring therapies. They can help you achieve and maintain optimal health and enjoy your life to its fullest.
Meet our massage therapists here and call or click below to schedule your next appointment to combine massage and chiropractic.